Ben Stiller's new comedy! Quite good I thought!
A group of actors go all out to make a film, but the director seemed to be having troubles getting them to act properly... so he devised that the best way to make them act well was to make them really feel the danger, so he puts them in the thick of a war torn country, and let reality make a real actor! But it all goes into disaster when the REAL troubles start!
It is really funny, you will not be let down on that front!
The story-line is surprisingly very good, and will certainly entertain, and even the emotional chords will be touched!
An inconvetional layout to the movie will give it a totally new look, making you feel as if you are experiencing a totally new kind of movie...
But for you to really understand about this movie, you will have to watch it for yourself!
Good watching!
Overall a very good movie, well done Stiller!
Movie rating: 8.25/10
I think 8.25 is strong for a movie that has so many comedy lulls. Your score suggests it is up there with some of the finest movies ever made. Its a lads film, funny in places but not enough material.
Robert Downey Jr was a high point and Jack Black was under used. I would give it a 6. Good to watch but no need to see it again.
In defense of my rating, I do certainly tend to be top heavy, but I gave most points for the originality of the movie, one for someone interested in mopvies I might say...
Below is my rating system explained:
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