I didn't think this film was the best... It's meant to be funny, but it doesn't come over as very funny to me.
It basically a spoof of Mission Impossible and similar spy movies, but unlike Superhero Movie and the other movies in it's series, it just doesn't seem to be able to grasp what people naturally find funny... nevertheless it did have it's funny moments and will keep you from getting bored... it's just not the kind of movie I would naturally spend my money to watch...
If you are into the comedy type films, I would recommend watching You Don't Mess With The Zohan instead.
The Story follows a relatively funny character who becomes a CIA Agent, and gets into a few mess ups...
Starring Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway
Movie Rating 6.5/10
Further to my post yesterday on useful tools for keeping up-to-date in the Movie world I have been recently introduced to a new website which allows lots of people to give a very short review on films... it gives a very accurate idea of what people think. It's called Blippr, you can read the Blippr for Get Smart here: See what other people think!
mission impossible? its nothing like that film!
its a remake of an old series and does spoof some spy movies such as bond but is more police squad than anything.
i saw it last night and thouroughly enjoyed it tbh. i was laughing all the way through the film and some of the scenes are priceless!
it didnt try to be jonny english (thank god) and was actually quite serious at times. the chemistry between the leads was good and the supporting cast did very good jobs and the were equally as funny, if not more so than the carrel at times.
i cant to see the extras on the DVD!
meant to say cant WAIT to see the extras on DVD!
yeah I'm not particularly saying that the film is bad as such, just merely saying that it's probably not everyone's sense of humor, other people found it funny, but certainly not to the extent that Zohan brought us...
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