An exciting cop thriller... well I guess it would be if I could make sense of it, but the storyline is so badly conjoined that it makes it almost a pain to watch... though there were a couple things that I did like about this movie, it had a pretty nice cast, and the adrenaline was quite good at times.
Storyline: 1 Star
Far too disjointed to enjoy the movie.
Action: 2 Stars
The action pace was quite good in parts of this movie, and some of the sequences were quite well thought out. But the one problem with it was that there just wasn't enough of it.
Music: 2 Stars
The sound track was neither superb nor annoying, just got the job done.
Acting: 2 Stars
The movie boasts of a cast with a few big names on there, and should merit a watch from the various fans represented. Though I don't think the director gave enough room for the actors' talents to shine through.
Edward Norton: 2 Stars
Norton got the main role, though it would have be hoped that his performance would have been a bit better. But I guess cop thrillers don't tend to give too much room for acting talents.
Colin Farrell: 2 Stars
Like Norton, he wasn't quite able to shine through in this movie, though there was a little spark left there.
Jon Voight: 3 Stars
Voight seemed to make the best of a fairly basic role, and must be commended on his performance. But even though so much was promised, there were still limiting factors which in the hand of a good director could have created a wonderful character for Voight.
Pride and Glory held a lot of promise but with an aweful storyline, it totally failed to deliver... I'm afraid this time I can't recommend this movie...

yes please Drillforth!
I saw the film, all the way through I was wondering when they were going to explain Edward Norton's face scar (not very subtle) and nothing happened.... nope.... still nothing.... Oh finally, he was shot in the face.
Why is he given a scar like that if it is just shrugged off in 5 minutes 3/4 through the film? It felt like there had to be some huge signbificance behind it but it was all just sort of lost.
Also, very weird seeing Colin Farell threaten to iron an infant... Specially seeing as they had just shown everyone what a loving "father and hustband" he was... Didn't at all seem in character...
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