Personally, what I expected from this movie was something quite simular to Stallone's Rocky Balboa, but I wouldn't have said it was quite as good, but it's well worth the watch anyway!
Back in the late '80s, Randy "The Ram" Robinson (Mickey Rourke) was a headlining professional wrestler. Now, twenty years later, he ekes out a living performing for handfuls of diehard wrestling fans in high school gyms and community centers around New Jersey.
Estranged from his daughter (Evan Rachel Wood) and unable to sustain any real relationships, Randy lives for the thrill of the show and the adoration of his fans. However, a heart attack forces him into retirement. As his sense of identity starts to slip away, he begins to evaluate the state of his life -- trying to reconnect with his daughter, and striking up a blossoming romance with an exotic dancer (Marisa Tomei) who is ready to start a new life. Yet all this cannot compare to the allure of the ring and passion for his art, which threatens to pull Randy "The Ram" back into his world of wrestling.
Source: IMDb
Storyline: 3 Stars
It's quite an interesting story, though in my opinion it was rather slow to start off with... perhaps more designed as an artistic movie rather than a real guy's kick-ass movie...
I enjoyed it all the same, just not quite as good as Rocky Balboa...
Music: 3 Stars
The score was relatively good, nothing good, nothing bad... Some excellent songs dispersed throughout the movie, though!
Acting: 3 Stars
Relatively good performances all round, though I couldn't quite say that there were any outstanding performances as could have been hoped for.
Emotions: 3 Stars
There were some of the usual Hollywood weepy moments, though in a wrestling movie I kind of hoped for some more hate and envy between contestants... there was far too much "are you alright", friendship and nonsense, to take any sides in the fights...
Some great moments anyhow!
Pretty average movie on the whole, slightly disappointing for me after hearing some great reviews on it... but I'm sure if you are still interested in the movie, go ahead! there's plenty of praise for it scattered across the web... just remember to tell me what you think about it!

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