The general idea is that I take notes as I'm watching the movie, just random things that enter my head... Bit weird, but I saw it in the Empire magazine, and
thought it was quite a good idea... praps a bit scattered to start with but I hope that it will gradually take shape in future reviews!

- Has to be good, has a clip from Lord of The Rings in it!
- Ha ha I love those Hobbit ears, I think I should walk 'round with some of those... Do you think it'll suit me?
- Lol he's just like me at the gym :D I don't feel too bad now! (beginners for you)
- Ahh the Fratellies get a bit in the soundtrack! I think they're great!
- The Little boy's quite a good actor, I find him quite amusing and funny...
- There's actually some great songs in the soundtrack... pretty nicely done
- and perfect, to round it all up, there's a nice emotional ending!

Final Rating: 3 Stars
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